By Wadza Botomani
The self Claimed “Senior Prophet”, Prophet Austin Liabunya has announced that he will host a special Prayer Mountain program in Lilongwe Area 23 which he has dubbed ‘One Day of Angel Zagagel’.
According to information posted on his official social media page this will be a special impartation program for Prophets and Seers and those called into ministry.
During the program,The Prophet will teach on prophetic secrets and codes. “It will be a special time in God’s presence” reads the message

Registration to this program is completely FREE and will be open from 1st June 2022 through WhatsApp +265 995 38 61 50.
There will be ministers from within Malawi and beyond spending time with SENIOR1 at his Prayer Mountain.
Prophet Liabunya has been an advocate of Angel Zagagel’. In Theology Angel Zagagel’ is described as an Archangel, Eastern leader of the Dominions who is the “Crown of God”archangel of messenger, protection, guardians and the patron angel of Valor and bravery. It is also suggested that Zagagel’ is the angel that appeared to Moses as the burning bush.