By Twink Jones Gadama
The Dorcus women of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Michiru district have proven to be a force to be reckoned with as they dedicated a whole week to cleaning different parts of Blantyre.
From clinic centres to markets and other busy places, these women rolled up their sleeves and got to work, making a tangible impact on their community.
After completing their cleaning duties, the women gathered at Bethel Church on a cloudy Saturday morning to celebrate their hard work and dedication.

The atmosphere was electric with anticipation as the women prepared to showcase their talents in singing, verse reciting, preaching, and storytelling.
The event was a true display of unity and sisterhood, with Dorcus women from Mulunguzi SDA Church, Michiru SDA Church, and Bethel SDA Church coming together to uplift and inspire one another.
Led by the shepherdess Mthunzi, the women shared powerful messages of faith, love, and service during the divine service.
The highlight of the event was the performance by the young Dorcus women, who stole the show with their melodious singing.
Their voices filled the church with a sense of joy and hope, echoing through the halls and receiving a resounding chorus of amens from the congregation.
As the day drew to a close, the Dorcus women reflected on the impact they had made in their community.
By cleaning public spaces and spreading messages of faith and love, they had not only improved the physical environment but had also touched the hearts of those around them.
“We may have started the week with brooms and mops, but we ended it with songs of praise and hearts full of gratitude,” said Mthunzi, the shepherdess.
“This week has been a testament to the power of unity and service, and we are truly blessed to be a part of such an amazing group of women.”
As the Dorcus women left Bethel Church that day, they walked with a sense of pride and accomplishment.
They had shown that with dedication, faith, and sisterhood, they could make a difference in their community and inspire others to do the same.
As they parted ways, they knew that they would always be united in their mission to spread love and positivity wherever they went.