The latest results of a primary research conducted by a British based Marketing research company has revealed that Democratic Progressive Party and Peter Mutharika have lost the trust of Malawians who identify themselves as “God fearing”.
Making the results of the survey known, lead researcher for Ipsos Political Research Inc, Dale Morgan said his organisation specialises in researching the power of a brand for marketing purposes. This time, the company worked with a local Malawian marketing agency as part of their project to do more branding research in Africa. “We look at the overall brand equity with its elements like brand loyalty, brand awareness, perceived quality and brand association” said Morgan.

According to the findings, it has been established that 90% of Malawians who regard themselves a God fearing will not vote for Mutharika in the forthcoming elections. The research highlights that this response has come from a cross section of all religions “We sampled all religions and the results have come out the same, both Muslims and Christians or even people that don’t go to church but identify themselves as God fearing are not prepared to vote for Mutharika or DPP again” clarified Morgan
The research had a sample of 10000 Malawians randomly sampled. They came from different religious disciplines such as the evangelicals, Pentecostals, Muslims, Rastafarians, Catholics and those who are religious but have no church affiliations.
In trying to explain the findings, Dale Morgan said they have identified that DPP and Mutharika name (Brand) is so tainted in that people who regard themselves to have morals don’t want to associate with it. “These findings pick out strong elements which are against what most people who believe in God or Allah would want in a party. The Mutharika/DPP name is strongly associated with Corruption, lack of common love due to Nepotism, lies that comes from leaders of the party and the party is strongly perceived to be a party of thieves” .
DPP spokesman Dausi has laughed off at the research findings claiming that the research company did not collect the right sample “DPP is loved by all Malawians and we have a lot od religious leaders who endorses us “ defended Dausi