Senior Chief Kachindamoto of Dedza District has fired 16 chiefs under her jurisdiction for treating early marriages with kid’s gloves.

In an interview on Wednesday, Kachindamoto said some chiefs in the area are allowing young girls to enter early marriages instead of remaining in school; a development which is against bylaws the area put in place.
Kachindamoto has further called upon lawmakers to consider reviewing marriage age for girls from 18 to 21.
According to the chief, through Go Back to School Initiative which was established in the community, a number of girls have returned to school. She also said she managed to put to sleep other cultural practices which are dangerous to girls.
Meanwhile, District Coordinator for Malawi Girl Guide Association in Dedza, Mr. James Chisale, has said the association has trained some girls in the community to work as role models in a bid to impress upon young girls to remain in school.
In recent years, Senior Chief Kachindamoto has gained international recognisation for being a champion of anti early marriages for girls.