By Chisomo Phiri
The court battle that has been there between Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA ) and Multi Choice Malawi has now come to an end following the approval of a proposal by Multichoice Malawi to have their DSt services subscription fees raised.
In a communication that we have seen addressed to the Multi Choice Malawi general manager, MACRA says now that the proposed tariffs have been submitted and considered by the Authority they expect DSTV services to resume in Malawi.
“Having considered and reviewed your submissions, the Authority approves both your June 2022 and July 2023 tariffs for implementation,” reads the letter in part.

In a separate interview, MACRA Director General Daudi Suleman said they have communicated to MultiChoice Malawi this morning on their approval on the tariff increase.
“Their reaction to the approval is interesting, we will wait for the court as they have also hinted and where necessary, undertake regulatory enforcement where some other aspects of the law and regulation are being breached by this unnecessary stand off my Multichoice Malawi,” he said.
But in an hour ago, MultiChoice Malawi released a statement saying that the resumption of their services will depend on the outcome of the court case between them and MACRA.
Multichoice Africa Holdings (MAH) withdrew the DStv services in Malawi after MACRA obtained a court injunction stopping it from raising subscription tariffs without adhering to the clearly spelt out legal provisions.