Shadow MP Chasweka encourages the youths to take part in God’s work

By Dean Chisambo

Member of Parliament aspirant for Lilongwe South East Constituency Josephy Msambathukuta Chasweka has encouraged the youths to take part in God’s work in order to shape their productivity and develop deeper knowledge to enable them become productive citizens of the country

Chasweka said this when he attended the fund raising ceremony of Mwala Central Church of African Presbyterian (CCAP) church of Nkhoma Synod in Lilongwe. The fundraiser is aimed at completing the Reverend’s house

Chasweka: Making a strong case for youth involvement

In his address,Chasweka said While elderly people are very important in the church, opportunities should also be given to the Youths “The youths are very productive and innovative, they discover the new things which our parents cannot, so is very important to involve the youths in the work of God but also in the community.” He said.

He said time has come for the churches to be financially independent so that they can be able to support themselves instead of relying on donors or the government.

On his part Mwala CCAP church leader Reverend Evance Amuna Majoni said the Nkhoma Synod Christians will always strive to take an independent approach and that the church members are happy to do things on their own without much reliance upon others. The Reverend said they are lessons that are learn and also sense of responsibility when church members take control of projects and try to do much themselves with the little that they have.

He further said that when the Christians are giving , those contributions can be used to take care of the poor and also to build some projects at the same time, the one giving will be blessed.

In his remarks one of the invited guests who came at the event , business mogul and also a church member of Assemblies of God Loyld Chimuna Phiri said in giving there is power, breakthrough and favour saying to those who are the partners of Jesus, God will not let them down.

Phiri added by urging the youths to take part in Godly’s things.

According to Majoni they are targeting to complete the house by early October this year which will cost them K15 million.

The ceremony brought together the block leaders of the community and the people from different churches.