Martha Chizuma’s Tenure at ACB: A Disappointing Legacy

By Victoria Mandaaliza

As the contract of embattled Anti Corruption Bureau Director General Martha Chizuma gets closer to an end, her tenure has raised serious questions about her suitability to continue as the head graft busting officer.

A good dive into cases both high and low;  it can be said without fear or contradiction  that there is a growing sentiment that Chizuma has become a liability rather than an asset in the fight against corruption.

Under Chizuma’s leadership since 2021, the ACB has experienced a series of setbacks, including the dismissal and suspension of high-ranking officials, such as Inspector General Dr. George Kainja and Statehouse Chief of Staff Prince Kapondamgaga but with no tangible progress in court.


Additionally, several prominent figures, including Presidential Advisor Pastor Chriss Banda, Enock Chihana, Newton Kambala, and even Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima, have been arrested and are now facing court cases but proceedings show the ACB facing defeat after defeat through motions being filed in court.

One of the most damning indictments of Chizuma’s tenure is the failure to conclude even a single case since she took over office.

Despite the immense responsibility entrusted to her, Chizuma has been unable to bring any cases to a successful resolution.

This lack of progress suggests that the office of the Director General may be too big for her to handle effectively. Who knows? Maybe she ladled all the praise while at Ombudsman when it was in fact her juniors that were doing the work.

Furthermore, revelations have exposed breaches of the Anti-Corruption Act by the ACB on her own goofs via a leaked audio. If it were not for President Chakwera, she would have been gone. While Malawians expected her to come back even stronger from that odeal, she went into an even deeper slumber.

The Chizuma leaked audio discussing active cases compromised the bureau’s integrity and as she also violated her secrecy oath.

Such actions undermine the very principles the ACB is meant to uphold.

Moreover, the mishandling of key witnesses, such as Helen Buluma in the Newton Kambala case, reflects poorly on the ACB’s investigative capabilities.

Buluma’s credibility was torn apart on the stand by defense lawyers, forcing the ACB to prematurely end her testimony.

This failure to effectively present evidence not only jeopardizes ongoing cases but also erodes public trust in the ACB’s ability to deliver justice.

In light of these failures, breaches of protocol, and a lack of progress, it is evident that Martha Chizuma is not the right person to lead the ACB.

Malawi cannot afford to have someone in such a crucial position who is unable to uphold the law and deliver tangible results in the fight against corruption.

It is imperative to seek new leadership at the ACB, one that is committed to competence, integrity, and the rule of law.