Msundwe Police rape victim pregnant and contracts STIs

One woman who was allegedly raped by a group of Police Officers at Msundwe ,Mbwatalika and Mpingu has fallen pregnant.

Police officers on 8 October 2019 descended on Mpingu, Mbwatalika and Msundwe where they went for retaliation following the murder of their fellow officer Imedi. The matter attracted wide condemnation from foreign and national organizations. However, when reporters accompanied the Chewa Heritage Foundation on a follow up fact finding mission on the rape cases and other human rights related abuses it was chicking to believe the outcome.

During the visit, our reporters saw two Health passport books, one indicates that the 27 year old woman is pregnant since she had sex with the officers while the other Health passport indicates that the victim has contracted sexually Transmitted disease (STI).

Police spokesman Kadadzera

Reporters managed to talk to all of the victims who confirmed on their own that indeed one is Pregnant and the other one is with STI “Yes am pregnant I went to the hospital for examination which included various tests,” said th victim whose name is withheld. Other victims told us that they are not living in peace with their families and that some have been divorced from their families. However, in an interview, CHEFO Secretary General Richard Mdyetseni says as Chewa people they are disappointed with the police

Mdyetseni said the Police leadership knows who went to Msundwe He accused the Police System of lacking partiality when discharging their state duties.He said it is sad that Police used heavy force on unarmed citizens.“This is against norms of justice that is why we will not sit back but to move the courts, ombudsman as well as reporting the matter to the United Nations” he said.He said this will be done with speed to ensure that all wheels of seeking justice are well activated.“We demand that Government should compensate you people I know some of you have lost families and some of you have been turned into laughing matters in communities therefore we demand that Government should compensate you people,” Said Mdyetseni.He further said it is sad that some of the victims have contracted various diseases and that some are pregnant we demand justice.

But National Police publicist James Kadadzera said their hands as tied in absence of commission of enquiry report.

Story originally appeared on Malawi Exclusive