Peoples Party deny its merging with MCP

Peoples Party of the former President Dr Joyce Banda has issued a statement where it is refuting the ongoing social media rumours that the party is disbanding with all its members joining Malawi Congress Party

In a stattement from the partys publicicty secretary Hon Ackson Kalaile Banda it says

“Peoples Party has learnt of rumours making rounds that there are plans to merge with its alliance partner Malawi Congress Party to create a single political bloc.At no time has the issue of a merger between the two parties been discussed at any of the party’s levels of decision and policymaking right from grassroots to national executive committee”.

Dr Joyce Banda , Peoples Party President

The statement went further to say “As things stand, Peoples Party will continue to enjoy its cordial working relationship with MCP as a stand-alone political formation.Both, MCP and PP plus the other seven parties remain focused to ensuring that the Tonse administration under Dr. Lazarus Chakwera and Dr. Saulos Chilima delivers meaningful and sustainable development to Malawians as per our campaign promises.

All matters that affect the structure and/or restructuring of the party remain a responsibility of its membership across the nation through rightful consensus according to the law. Furthermore, decisions made from such consensus will only be communicated through party sanctioned channels i.e. Publicity department.We hereby discourage rumour mongering among our supporters and all Malawians in these very important matters”