What is Christmas?

By Elijah Kaitano

In Europe, people celebrate Christmas by sending gifts to one another and spending time together.They eat and drink together and share gifts.

In Africa and in particular Malawi, it is time to drink excessively and spend money. It is time to eat and drink. Most of all eat the best food money can afford.

From the Bibles’s perspective, Christmas is a time to show love. We show love by giving the little we have. We should give because God gave first. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved he world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. God allowed Jesus to come here on earth to die for man kind. That is the best gift he gave .

If you are out there drinking and enjoying yourself in the name of Christmas, that is not Christmas. Eating Chicken and rice is not part of Christmas if you are not celebrating the saviour of the world, Jesus Christ. Christianity was introduced to Africa by Europeans. We did not understand the Biblical implications of the Christmas celebration, in contrast Easter or Lent as is commonly called by the Catholics seems to have been received in accordance with the Biblical requirement. Gratitude should go to the Europeans who left Europe for Africa to preach the Gospel.