Hilltop Academy Donates to Tidzalerana Shelter Organization

By Twink Jones Gadama

Hilltop Academy, a prestigious school located in Mpingwe-Limbe, recently made a generous donation to the Tidzalerana Shelter Organization, a non-profit making organization that takes care of children with disabilities in Ndirande.

The donation, which included essential items such as plates, cups, sugar, soap, cooking oil, flour, spoons, clothes, and more, was valued at over two million Malawi Kwacha.

This act of kindness exemplifies Hilltop Academy’s commitment to charity work and supporting those in need.

The directors of Hilltop Academy, led by Akhter Mohammed, expressed their gratitude to parents, guardians, and students for their unwavering support towards the donation initiative.

Akhter praised the students for showing love towards the less privileged and emphasized the importance of advocating for such charitable spirits within the school community.

In response to the donation, Frank Overton Banda, the director of Tidzalerana Shelter Organization, expressed his appreciation for the timely support from Hilltop Academy.

Banda highlighted the significant impact that the donation would have on the children with disabilities under their care, stating that it would alleviate many of their basic needs.

He extended his thanks to Hilltop Academy and expressed prayers for continued blessings upon the school.

Hilltop Academy is known for offering the Cambridge syllabus and boasts highly qualified teachers who are graduates from reputable and accredited universities, both locally and internationally.

The school has a history of engaging in charitable activities, including providing assistance to victims affected by natural disasters and mobilizing resources for international humanitarian causes.

In an interview with this publication, Banda revealed that Tidzalerana Shelter Organization was founded in 2007 and is dedicated to caring for children with disabilities in the Ndirande community.

The organization identifies children in need through various channels, such as churches, schools, and chiefs, and ensures that they receive the necessary support and care.

The collaboration between Hilltop Academy and Tidzalerana Shelter Organization exemplifies the power of community support and the impact that can be achieved through charitable initiatives.

By coming together to help those in need, both organizations are making a positive difference in the lives of vulnerable children and fostering a culture of compassion and generosity.

The donation from Hilltop Academy to Tidzalerana Shelter Organization serves as a reminder of the importance of giving back to the community and supporting those who are less fortunate.

Through acts of kindness and generosity, we can make a meaningful impact on the lives of others and create a more compassionate society for all.