Where is UTM and Chilima colourful Photos and Marketing?

By Zakale Botomani

I have been an admirer of UTM marketing prowess. To say that the party delivers the best marketing presentation than any other political party in Malawi is the perfect description. However, as a keen follower I have observed that something is amiss lately.

Politics is at the climax in Malawi no doubt about that. We have seen the political players embarking on whistle stops trying to garner support and win potential voters. While politics is one area that interests me, as somebody from a marketing background I find myself having an eagle eye on the overall marketing strategies of the political parties. As highlighted, to say that UTM is the masters of branding is no crime, the guys know how to deliver crispy materials, well presented and catchy to the eye. Respect to their media team

But what has gone wrong? Sadly, I am afraid to be a bearer of bad news that the party’s marketing quality has fallen short of expected standards that they themselves set in the first place. UTM has been a party that engineered presence of high-quality photos in time as Dr Saulos Chilima is on the road. These photos have always been a delight to see, not only due to their timely delivery but the quality. I am not in a position to know who their photographer is, but one thing undeniable is that he is a talent that cannot be denied.

As a branding enthusiast, I have been shocked with the quality of photos that have been coming from the party recently. The recent whistle-stops have lacked presentation and came close to showing Dr Saulos Chilima as if he is not doing well on the ground. Those responsible for taking pictures are failing to catch the heart of the party , that aura of presentation that tightly goes together with perceived quality that has always been expected of UTM brand.

Not typical photos from UTM media

Not all is lost, as One lady I have followed for along time Winnie Nyondo continues to represent the UTM brand in the videos that she beams on her Facebook page.

I may have an eagle eye but I truly believe that many people have also observed this lack of quality photos from the once mighty men of Marketing UTM. It is my hope that the Media team of the party will have a good look at the lowering of quality that is clearly visible now .